Call of duty black ops 4 repack
Call of duty black ops 4 repack

Private Alexei Ivanovich Voronin is on one of many barges transporting Soviet soldiers across the Volga River, many of which are destroyed on the way by German artillery or Luftwaffe aircraft. The first Soviet mission occurs during the Battle of Stalingrad, on 18 September 1942.

call of duty black ops 4 repack

The paratrooper drops end up being scattered, leaving Martin in a mixed unit formed from various companies. The mission begins as Martin lands outside the town of Sainte-Mère-Église as a pathfinder to lay a drop zone beacon for other paratroopers. The first mission occurs toward midnight on 5 June 1944, as part of the airborne operations which began the invasion of Normandy. The player learns the basics of the game by completing an obstacle course and then having weapons training with Sgt. This level is meant to familiarize the player with the game controls. The American campaign begins with Private Martin, a member of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, training at Camp Toccoa in the U.S. For those of you who’ve seen it before, trust me, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. For those of you who’ve seen your first action, welcome to the Big Time. Storyįrom the fields of France to the Volga River – from the smallest squads dropped behind enemy lines, to the massive divisions that won the war and multiple fronts – the soldiers of the Allied Forces stopped the German Army by standing and fighting together, side by side. Authentic weapons, locations, vehicles and sounds of war all contribute to the realism, immersing you in the most intense World War II experience yet. Take on mission objectives ranging from sabotage and all-out assault to stealth, vehicle combat and rescue.

call of duty black ops 4 repack

Battle through 24 missions spanning 4 interconnected historical campaigns. For the first time, Call of Duty captures the war from multiple perspectives, through the eyes of American, British and Russian soldiers.

Call of duty black ops 4 repack